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Carman Dress Code

Carman’s dress code policy is designed to encourage neatly-groomed students and to create an atmosphere that promotes modesty, integrity, and learning. The principal has the final word regarding interpretation of the guidelines below. Unless otherwise noted, uniforms should be purchased through approved vendors. Contact information is located below. 

Purchasing Uniforms

Below are the only three approved vendors who have the current Carman logo. Utilizing a separate source without prior approval from the Principal may result in the garment being considered out of dress code.


Uniform Source is a local company that provides embroidered logos. They have a store at 2141 Cobb Pkwy NW, Kennesaw, in which clothes may be tried on. They have our dress code on site so they will not sell you anything that isn’t within the dress code.


ACG is a local Adventist-owned company that provides screen printing. To use ACG you purchase the clothing items on which you desire to place a logo and bring them to the school with a check made out to Atlanta Custom Graphics or cash in the exact amount owed. The items will then be taken to ACG and returned to the school usually within a week. Some items, including hoodies, can be ordered directly from their website

lands end.jpg

Items can be purchased through Lands’ End’s website: Click “School” near the top and then “Shop by School”. You’ll need to search for Carman in Georgia or use the school number 900039918.


  •  Lands’ End and Uniform Source both sell skorts with built-in shorts.

  • Carman’s plaid code is #80, an image of it may be seen here at Land’s End, where it is called, “White Plaid”.

    • It is a white background with narrow and wide stripes of navy and dark green.

Click the button below download complete dress code information. 

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